Equine investment:
Do you know what’s involved?

We accept the challenge.
Securing your capital.

Berns Safe 4 Life:   Risk of death
Berns Safe 4 Sport:   Permanent loss of use for competition
Berns Safe 2 Breed:   Permanent loss of use for breeding
Berns Safe 4 You:   Tailored

The optimum combination of security and preventive healthcare.

Value is often not recognised
until it’s lost.

Our aim is transparent capital & risk security for sporting and breeding horses with individual and outstandingly developed insurance solutions. The combination including structured preventive healthcare and support in case of illness offered by our team and network of experts is unique. It makes your risk a controlled one and helps maintain the value of your horse.

Be on the safe side.
Bet on the right horse.

Anja Berns, Managing Director

The founding of Berns is the culmination of my experience in the business of international insurance and my passion for horses. I recognised that time had come to a standstill at some point with regard to developing equine insurance. The quality requirements involved in securing today’s risks and values in equine sport were in absolute need of adjustment and redefinition. That’s how Berns came about.

The more moves one knows in advance, the less they can take one by surprise.

Risk analysis and consulting

The first step of our work, personal risk analysis, serves as a basis for sound asset security. We focus on your personal requirements. Only by realising the various risk scenarios are we able to control and secure the greatest amount of risk.

Berns individually assures that your horse can serve its intended purpose.
This is unique.

One-of-a-kind talents require special solutions. In the event of permanent loss of use for competition as a result of illness, injury or accident, you receive the agreed-upon compensation. Until such time, your horse can build on our expertise. We move forward, even when there are no more options or it becomes necessary to set forth on new paths in the sport.

Together with your horse’s trainers, vets and carers, the Berns experts make up a strong support system. A good team on the best course.

Preventive healthcare

Experts can detect problems before they occur. Small changes are sometimes sufficient to bring about a great miracle. Berns offers a worldwide network of experts. The focus is always the health of your horse. Regular preventive examinations specified in the contract increase the chances of success and, amongst other things, help maintain the best value possible.

Out of order.
No laughing matter.

When things happen to go wrong, Berns network of experts come into play. It takes coordination, know-how and sensitivity in order for actions to be effective.

Insurance à la carte

The essential foundation is securing value in complete accordance with your priorities. Protection against material damages in the event of injury, illness or loss of your horse.

Investment begins with the purchase.

Berns accompanies investors right from the time of purchase and offers ongoing support in the horse’s development. The neutral view of the experts as to the current state of health is a valuable aid.

Everything under one roof.
Worth its weight in gold.

The most secure way to proceed starts with consideration of the risks. This is followed by management of the risks identified, fine-tuned to suit your corporate philosophy. Our holistic view of your company enables seamless security and coordination of all stakeholders.

Our profession and expertise is dedicated to help top spart horses find the optimal way back to spart after injuries, absences and breaks.

lf it appears that nothing works anymore, it may be helpful to
change the angle of view. Our team opens new perspectives. We take an unbiased approach to the problem and elaborate an individual rehabilitation and training programme for each horse.

Strength lies in calmness.

For this reason the centre is located in a separate stable-wing of an excluslve private facility with a limited number of boxes. An environment like this offers the best way to a fult recovery.

Further unique features

Not only horse owners are well taken care of at Berns. We create individual insurance solutions for animal life insurance policies for zoo animals and other unique animals. It is also possible to obtain coverage for stock.
+49 (0) 172 964 4656
Emergency number